Activity of Tobacco of Poland Sp. z o.o. focuses on trade in whole and raw leaves of Virginia and Burley tobacco (CN 2401) coming exclusively from Polish harvests.
Tobacco dried using a hot-tube method characterized by a light yellow or orange color of the leaves.
Varieties growing in Poland are characterized by low nicotine content and high sugar levels.
Premium grade leaves are ideal for shisha production. The remaining ones are an irreplacable component in the production of cigarettes.
We offer quality classes from the first to the sixth in our offer.

Tobacco air-cured, hung on the shelves, with a light or dark brown shade.
In the drying process, this variety loses most of its natural sugars, while maintaining a very intense flavor and aroma.This product is used primarily in the production of cigars and is also an important component of many cigarette mixtures.
It also has a very high nicotine level of about 3-4%
In this type of tobacco, we offer quality classes from the first to the fourth.

Our tobacco varietes
Virginia in whole leave form:
1ST CLASS || nic. 0,98% sug. 25,5% moisture approx. 20%
2ND CLASS || nic. 1,1% sug. 21% moisture approx. 20%
3RD CLASS || nic. 1,2% sug 19.9 moisture approx. 20%
4TH CLASS || nic. 1,29% sug. 18,5 moisture approx. 20%
5TH CLASS || nic. 1,35% sug. 20,5% moisture approx. 20%
6TH CLASS || nic. 1,62% sug. 12,8% moisture approx. 20%
Burley in whole leave form:
1.8-2,5 floor x/c || 2,5-3/5% floor c/b || moisture level 21-23%
Offered in bales form Or packed in C48 BOXES as 100/120kg net
Offered in bales form Or packed in C48 BOXES as 100kg net
Our tobacco can be purchased in the form of a bale, but also packed in C48 cardboard boxes with the weight determined in the order by the customer.
Before each purchase, we encourage our clients to conduct a personal inspection of offered products in our main warehouse located in Grudziądz.

Address data
Tobacco of Poland Sp. z o.o.
KRS: 0000673961
NIP: 8762468378
Regon: 366879566
Share capital: 500 000,00 zł
Tobacco of poland
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